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Books By Women

  • Sarah Hummell 178 Columbus Avenue 230873 New York, NY, 10023 United States (map)

Women Writers, Women Books: Entangled In Blue by Sarah Hummell

It Could Never Happen To Me

Have you ever watched the news and seen one of those horrible stories about some stranger who killed their whole family and then killed themself? I have, I watched in horror, asking myself, “What kind of person does that?” I was thankful that I had a loving husband who would never do that to our family.  In August 2017, the person I thought was my loving husband turned out to be a monster. We came dangerously close to being one of those families killed at the hands of the person they trusted the most. Thankfully, we all survived that horrible day.While there weren’t physical casualties, there was indeed death. My children’s innocence and our safety and security died that day. Our “Rock,” who we thought loved us enough to die for us, nearly killed us. Our image of our loving husband/father was forever shattered. Our entire world, as we knew it, changed, never to return. 

November 22


December 3

Awesome Gang Magazine